Free Workshop Event for 1st-5th grade teachers
Consistently leave school on-time
without bringing work home that you can finally spend quality time with your family.
In the last FREE Organized Teacher Workshop of 2024, you'll discover:

The #1 reason teachers have trouble staying organized and the simple solution that will save you at least an hour per week!

The 4 things that organized teachers are doing right now to be the very best teacher they can be without sacrificing their nights and weekends.

How to lesson plan faster without getting distracted, even if you've tried in the past and struggled. You were probably making the most common mistake without realizing it.

The simple secrets to spending less time on grading without staying late or watching another episode of Real Housewives with a stack of papers on your lap.
Don't miss this opportunity...
Get on the priority list for the FREE training that's helped thousands of 1st-5th grade general education teachers make the best use of their limited time!
Plus, when you attend live, you'll get a 1 hour PD certificate and other organization time-savers!
Which of these apply to you?

You are tired, overwhelmed, and stressed out! You (and your family) know something has to change.
You want to be the best teacher you can be without continuing to sacrifice all of your time!
The last few years have been really hard and you know you simply can't keep going at this pace or you'll burn out.
You want to be more organized and consistently prepared for school each and every day without spending hours of your own time to prepare!
How valuable would it be to finally get organized so you don't have to have another argument with your spouse because you're working on school-stuff again?
Can you imagine what it would be like if this was your story too?

And by getting on the priority list for this FREE organization workshop, then you're the type of teacher who knows that if nothing changes, nothing changes, right?

Hey there, I'm Kristen Donegan!
I began teaching in 2005 and was on the verge of major burnout during my 7th year which (thankfully) forced me to create simple systems, routines, and boundaries so that I could be a more effective and organized teacher without continuing to work until 10pm most nights.
The easily replicated framework I created helped me (and thousands of other teachers who have gone through my proven Organized Teacher Club) finally turn my teacher brain off so I could be present with my friends and family and I'm going to share it with you!
I'm sure you can agree that next year won't be easier if you don't make some changes, right?
See you at the workshop,